Sunday,  May 18, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 304 • 8 of 25

• Jeslyn will be turning eight years old today. We've heard nothing but the fact that her birthday is on a Sunday for the past month. She is so excited that it's on a Sunday. We always sing Happy Birthday to birthday people in church on Sunday so I know she's just itching to hear it sung for her, on her actual birthday.
• Tina and Julianna went to Aberdeen last night to buy Jeslyn her birthday presents. Jeslyn stayed home with me and wanted to help frost the cake. It had just gotten out of the oven so we were waiting for it to cool.

Waiting is not one of Jeslyn's strong points. About every five minutes she would ask, "Is it ready, yet?" I said no, not for a couple of hours. It has to cool, I said. "A COUPLE OF HOURS!?! I" she would stammer. I finally ended up putting the cake in the refrigerator to speed up the cooling process.
• I managed to get a little time in the garden. I planted my radishes and carrots. The onions are coming up and it will be a while before the potatoes come up.
• I finally had to give in and dig up a tulip in our yard. They didn't seem to be coming up and I thought maybe they died this winter. But after digging one up, I see they are doing well. The ground is cool  and it will be a while before they come up yet.
• I've had people ask what happened to our yard. Even asked if it was winter kill. No, I killed off the grass last fall and I'm in the process of planting flowers all over the place. It should be pretty neat when they start blooming.
• The strawberries and raspberries that I planted out back are coming along real nice. We ended up getting one of the lilac trees and planted it near the front of our yard.  I suppose the next project will be to landscape the yard. That will be a challenge and may take a couple of years to complete, just because it's going to get a little costly to get that all done.

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