Tuesday,  May 13, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 299 • 1 of 36

1- Today's Information
2- Full Circle Ag Scholarship
2- Rob Luecke Scholarship
2- WEB Water Scholarship
3- Peterson Scholarship
3- McKiver Scholarship
3- American Legion Citizenship
4- Academic Excellence
4- Bank Scholarship
4- Harms Scholarship
5- FFA Alumni Scholarship
5- Hopps Dow Scholarship
6- FCCLA Scholarship
6- Emmanuel Lutheran Scholarship
6- Fliehs Sales & Service Ad
7- Principal's Student Service Award
8- Groups tired of fundraising
8- Johnson Agency
10- For Rent
11- Olson Development
12- Obit: Msgr. Marvin McPhee
14- Today in Weather History
14- Andover Bar & Grill
15- South Dakota Weather Map
16- National Weather Map
17- Local Weather Page
18- Daily Devotional
19- News from the Associated Press


School Breakfast: Cinnamon roll, fruit, juice, yogurt.
School Lunch: Chicken nuggets, baked tiny potato, fresh vegetable, fruit, tea bun.
Senior Menu: Baked Pork Chop, Mixed Vegetables, Pineapple Strawberry Ambrosia, Whole Wheat Bread
Birthdays: Doris Strom, Nicole Koehler
Region Golf Tourney at Aberdeen
7:45am: Wells Fargo Teacher Appreciation Breakfast.
9:00am: MS Health Fair
10:00am: Ladies Bible study at Groton C&MA
10:00am: UMW Bible Study
12:00pm: Olive Grove Bridge
2:00pm: Track at Britton
6:00pm: Olive Gr. Ladies Night
7:00pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Church Council


School Breakfast: Breakfast bagel, fruit, juice, milk.
School Lunch: Spaghetti with meat sauce, green beans, garlic toast, fruit.
Senior Menu: Ranch Chicken, Boiled Potato, Green Beans, Cake w/Strawberries, Whole Wheat Bread
Birthdays: Linda Johnson, Pam Rix, Sheila Johnson, Kevin Radke, Madisyn Waage, Alesha Peterson, Ryan Schelle
7:00am: United Methodist Men's Bible Study
12:00pm: Kiwanis meets at the Community Center
6:00pm: Groton C&MA Governing Board Meeting
7:00pm: Midweek Family Night for all ages at Groton C&MA

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