Sunday,  May 11, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 297 • 41 of 46

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to split open rocks to allow oil and gas to flow. It has produced major economic benefits, but also raised fears that the chemicals could spread to water supplies.
• The audit also said the BLM did not coordinate effectively with state regulators in New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Utah.
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Rams pick Sam in draft's final minutes, giving him a chance to be NFL's 1st openly gay player

• NEW YORK (AP) -- Michael Sam waited and waited. Hours passed, rounds came and went, and eventually, there were only eight more picks left on the third and final day of the NFL draft.
• For just a moment, it looked as if his chance of being picked by a pro team and becoming the league's first openly gay player might take a detour. Or at least be delayed.
• The call finally came in Saturday from the St. Louis Rams, the team right down the road from where Sam played his college ball at the University of Missouri.
• Sam was selected in the seventh and final round and admitted it was a frustrating wait. He said teams that passed on him chickened out and he should have been drafted sooner.
• "From last season alone, I should've been in the first three rounds. SEC Defensive Player of the Year, All-American," Sam said. He stopped short of directly saying his stock dropped in the draft because he came out.
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Authorities say insurgent attack on military barracks in northern Iraq kills 20 troops

• BAGHDAD (AP) -- Militants in Iraq launched an audacious attack on a military barracks in a remote area in the country's north and killed 20 troops overnight, including some who had been bound and shot at close range, authorities said Sunday.
• The killings at the barracks in the village of Ayn al-Jahish outside the northern city of Mosul represent the latest blow to the government's efforts to achieve stability in restive Sunni-dominated areas.
• Gunmen staged the assault late Saturday night, two police officers said, shooting some at short range while others died when insurgents stormed the barracks.
• A medical official, who confirmed the causality number, said 11 troops had their

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