Sunday,  May 4, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 290 • 28 of 31

(Continued from page 27)

fights in a decision that was met with disbelief by Maidana and booed heavily by the crowd. He retained his welterweight title by winning 117-111 on one scorecard and 116-112 on another. A third judge had it even at 114-114.
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Here's what you need to know about the latest Apple-Samsung patent lawsuit

• LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Apple and Samsung are suing each other in courts and trade offices around the world, each making claims that the other copied patented mobile device features.
• The companies' most-recent legal tussle all but concluded on Friday, when a California jury found that Samsung copied some of Apple's smartphone features. The panel also concluded that Apple illegally used one of Samsung's patents in creating the iPhone 4 and 5.
• All told, the jury awarded Samsung $158,400 and Apple $119 million, far less than the $2.2 billion the company sought.
• Jurors were ordered to return to court Monday to continue deliberations on a minor matter that could result in a higher award for Apple.
• Before determining whether the companies copied phone technologies, jurors had to consider several patents. Here's a look at select patents and the jury's conclusions:
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'Orange Is the New Black,' George Takei among New York City's GLAAD Media Award winners

• NEW YORK (AP) -- GLAAD celebrates "Orange Is the New Black."
• The Netflix show set in a women's prison was named outstanding comedy series at the 25th annual GLAAD Media Awards' New York ceremony.
• Cast members -- including Laverne Cox, who won her own GLAAD honor at the organization's Los Angeles awards ceremony last month -- accepted the award Saturday at the Waldorf Astoria hotel.
• George Takei received the Vito Russo award, presented to an openly gay media professional for promoting equality for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.
• Other winners Saturday included the films "Concussion" and "Philomena" and Oprah Winfrey's interview with openly gay professional basketball player Jason Collins.

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