Saturday,  May 3, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 289 • 5 of 55

FCCLA Style Show

FCCLA Service Award to FCCLA seniors. In order to earn this award, seniors must have sold 40 boxes of fruit over their entire membership, which could be 1-4 years, and achieved involvement points through the point system. Involvement points come from things like attending meetings, participating in activities such as bingo, the food drive, and also from being involved in district and state meetings. The following members have earned the FCCLA Service Award:

Lindsey Tietz, FCCLA instructor, announced several awards.

Skyler Bonn, $150, and Nikki Koehler, $300.

There were 11 seniors of the FCCLA membership that were recognized. Pictured left to right are Camille Sippel, 1 year; Halle Dohman, 1 year; Caitlyn Fluke, 1 year; Olivia Lone, 1 year; Skyler Bonn, 2 years; Kylie Hawkins, 2 years; Cheyenne Schaller, 2 years; and Nikki Koehler, 4 years; not pictured are Paw Shee, 1 year; Sadie Rogers, 1 year; and Hayley Mayou, 3 years.

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