Saturday,  May 3, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 289 • 30 of 55

FFA Star Awards are given to members who have excelled at their SAE Projects. SAE projects are Supervised Agricultural Experiences where the student works on their own with supervision from the advisor. The Star Greenhand is earned by freshman and went to Kate Helmer and Patrick Gengerke. The Star Placement Award is earned by a student who works for someone else, either paid or volunteer. This year's winner was Sheldon Herr. The Star Farmer Award is given to a student who has ownership of their project, (livestock, grain land etc.). Maryn Howard was the recipient of this year's award. (Photo #7701 by Char Telkamp)

These FFA Seniors were the recipients of the Groton FFA Alumni Scholarships. They are: Tyler Wagner, Nathan Wright, Riley Helmer, Parker Kroll and Wyatt Sombke. Front row: Tyra Leonhardt and Joellen Gonsoir. (Photo #7704 by Char Telkamp)

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