Saturday,  May 3, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 289 • 24 of 55

Groton City Council Meeting Agenda
May 5, 2014, 7 p.m.

1) Minutes
2) Water Awards
3) Financial Report
4) Bills
5) Sine Die
5) Convene 127th Council - Oath of Office
6) Election of Officers
7) Appoint Finance Officer and Attorney
8) Appoint Advisory Committees
9) Motion to approve bills each meeting & authorize the Finance Officer to pay payroll and all regular monthly bills in a timely manner to avoid penalties and take advantage of discounts.
10) Fliehs Plat
11) NEFOG Report- Nuisance Properties
12) Department Reviews
13) Recreation Update
14) Delinquent Utility Report
15) Nuisance Properties
AND Any other business that may come before the Council

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