Monday,  April 28, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 284 • 21 of 26

(Continued from page 20)

• Monday's case is linked to deadly riots that erupted in Minya and elsewhere in Egypt after security forces violently disbanded sit-ins held by Brotherhood supporters in Cairo last August.
• Hundreds were killed as part of a sweeping campaign against supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, who was removed by the military last July.
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Report: US high school graduation rate at 80 percent; more progress needed to meet 90 percent

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. public high schools have reached a milestone, an 80 percent graduation rate. Yet that still means 1 of every 5 students walks away without a diploma.
• Citing the progress, researchers are projecting a 90 percent national graduation rate by 2020.
• Their report, based on Education Department statistics from 2012, was being presented Monday at the Building a GradNation Summit.
• The growth has been spurred by such factors as a greater awareness of the dropout problem and efforts by districts, states and the federal government to include graduation rates in accountability measures. Among the initiatives are closing "dropout factory" schools.
• In addition, schools are taking aggressive action, such as hiring intervention specialists who work with students one on one, to keep teenagers in class, researchers said.
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Democrats hope Senate minimum wage vote will draw November support from women, young voters

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Win or lose -- and they'll probably lose -- Democrats hope this week's Senate showdown over raising the federal minimum wage reaps them benefits in November's congressional elections.
• Whether they'll get an Election Day payoff is uncertain.
• In a Senate vote expected Wednesday, Republicans seem likely to block the Democratic measure, which would gradually raise today's $7.25 hourly minimum, reaching $10.10 as soon as 2016. Even if the bill, one of President Barack Obama's top priorities, somehow survives in the Senate, it stands little chance of even getting a vote in the GOP-run House.

(Continued on page 22)

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