Groton Area School News • 14 of 26 • April-May Edition

(Continued from page 12)

• World Geography - Mr. Thorson
• Geography is a semester course so it gives me very little time to cover the important information required. While we do study cultural differences in both the Americas and Western Europe, I do think it is more important to learn about physical regions of the world. When this subject ends at the end of next month, all my students will become familiar with where each country is located on the globe. I hope for my students that when they hear about a place in the news they will be able to recognize where in the world this region is located. Too many kids across the world and even our country still believe South Dakota is located somewhere in the Deep South!

• U.S. Government - Mr. Thorson
• My goal for each senior is to help them understand what their role is in a community. To take part in change or as I like to say, be the rock that causes the ripple. Get out there and make a difference and develop a passion to help make that change. I do this in a number of ways like class discussions, current events and community service projects. We continued their "Next Generation" projects started in the first semester where we invited influential people in to talk to students all around the area. This semester we were honored to have Senator John Thune come and talk to the government students, as well as kids from Redfield, Ipswich and Langford. It was a great success. We are also busy in the classroom talking about the Legislative, executive and legislative branches of our governments. We will end the year talking about civil rights and how minorities had to overcome huge obstacles in American history to achieve equality. Finally it's hard to say goodbye to such a great group of seniors. You parents have done a wonderful job in raising your kids and I will miss them terribly.

• Biology I - Mr. Kurth
• The students are currently studying the animal kingdom. We have been discussing fish and amphibians. We eventually will progress through reptiles, birds, and mammals. We have been dissecting frogs and looking at the internal organs. We will continue to study the difference in anatomy and function of appendages as we then progress to the end of the year.
• Life Science - Mr. Kurth
• The students are studying animal behavior. We have discussed innate behavior and compared it to learned behavior. The students have found it interesting that some animals have behaviors right away after birth that were not taught to them.

(Continued on page 15)

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