Sunday,  April 13, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 269 • 6 of 23

(Continued from page 5)

• Being a certified Pennsylvania Dutchman, $200 is a lot of money. Trying to get $200 out of a Pennsylvania Dutchman is about as close to suicide as anybody wants to get. I tried to think of how I could deal with my toe without going to that money hungry doctor.
• Several weeks ago, I happened to overhear somebody say that they had a badly infected toenail. It caught my attention because it was the condition of my toe at the time. Instead of going to the doctor, this woman went and had a pedicure, which took care of her damaged toe.
• I really did not know what a pedicure was; just that it was some kind of a woman thing. As a man, I had no interest in involving myself in anything that could be classified as a woman thing. However, my toe would not quit hurting.
• I pondered this subject for a couple of weeks. During that time, my toe got worse and it was more painful to walk. Of course, my wife kept asking how my toe was and I deferred telling her the truth. There was no way I was going to go to a doctor and hand over to him $200 of my hard-earned money.
• I thought to myself, "Self, maybe you should try the pedicure."
• Myself thought it was a good idea and so I drove over to where they did pedicures. I sat in my truck for a few minutes looking at the Nail Salon where they did pedicures. While I was watching, my toe kept hurting.
• Finally, I decided to leave my manhood in the truck, hobble in and see if they could do a pedicure for someone like me. I was sure they had never dealt with anybody quite my size before. I was not even sure that they would take a man as a client.
• When I walked in, I discovered that they did not speak English. At least most of them did not. I inquired and was warmly received, then ushered to a chair where they could work on my toes. Within 20 minutes, I received a pedicure to beat all pedicures. The young woman who did my toes did a marvelous job. I was afraid that she would try to paint my toenails and I was prepared for a vigorous No. But she did not and was very gracious in taking care of my wounded toe.
• When I went to pay for the pedicure, I was surprised it was only $20.
• I walked painlessly to my truck and sitting in my truck was my manhood with $180. That is what I call a good day.
• I could not help think of a verse in Proverbs, "Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud" (Proverbs 16:19).
• Sometimes a proud spirit gets in the way of healthy living. When I think too much of myself I have too much of myself to think of.
• Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL 34483. He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 1-866-552-2543 or e-mail His web site is

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