Saturday,  April 12, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 268 • 26 of 30

(Continued from page 25)

man-made carbon emissions blamed for global warming.
• "Sometimes it's framed as if what the IPCC does is 'just the facts, ma'am,' and that of course is not accurate," said Steve Rayner, an Oxford scientist who has taken part in three of the IPCC's previous assessments, but not this one.
• "It's not pure science and it's not just politics," but a blend of both, Rayner said.
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Obama's health care law faces new round of criticism as top conservatives gather for summit

• BOSTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's health care overhaul is coming under renewed attack as some of the nation's leading conservatives gather for a New Hampshire summit thick with presidential implications.
• Several potential Republican White House contenders -- among them Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee -- headline a conference Saturday in Manchester, N.H., hosted by the conservative groups Citizens United and Americans for Prosperity.
• Scheduled speakers also include real estate mogul Donald Trump, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Utah Sen. Mike Lee and New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte. The gathering highlights the role of Koch Industries, the giant conglomerate headed by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch.
• The Koch-affiliated Americans for Prosperity has already spent millions of dollars on health care-related attack ads aimed at Democratic senators in New Hampshire, North Carolina, Alaska, Colorado, Iowa and elsewhere. That's made the Koch brothers a prime target for Democratic criticism.
• The summit comes as prospective presidential candidates begin to step up appearances in key states ahead of the 2016 presidential contest, even though New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation-presidential primary isn't planned for another two years. The speakers are expected to bash the Democratic-backed health care overhaul, a central issue in the GOP's midterm election strategy despite reports of strong enrollment figures.
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In La. district of 'kissing congressman,' voters disappointed yet willing to forgive

• MONROE, La. (AP) -- In a matter of days, Republican Vance McAllister has gone from being the unlikely congressman -- a special election winner who

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