Groton Area School News • 6 of 13

(Continued from page 5)

also been doing various activities singing rounds to get used to hearing two parts going on at the same time. 3rd graders have been experimenting with two part singing, rhythms, as well as identifying treble clef note names. Their abilities to identify the treble clef note names is very impressive! So impressive that I might be starting recorders with 3rd grade this year as well as 4th grade.
• For the last few months 4th graders have been playing recorders. With our recorders we are trying something new called "Recorder Karate", the students have challenges to meet (new notes and new songs that include those new notes), after passing the challenge they move to the next karate belt color. We've got the belt colors as paint splats on the walls of the music room so not only 4th grade can see how their classmates are doing but all of the elementary music classes can view their progress. This seems to be motivating the kids to practice their new instruments. They all seem to be really enjoying it!
•  Each class has recently started preparing for their upcoming Spring Concert. The theme for the concert is "Under the Sea". Each class provided an art project to help decorate for our last concert in the fall and will again for the spring. Our performance will take place Tuesday, May 6th at 7:00pm in the High School Gym. The concert will feature songs by grades junior kindergarten through fifth. Students should wear dress clothes for the concert. Bright, summer, beach, ocean themed attire would work perfect with our concerts theme! We are very excited to share our artwork and music with you!
• If you have any questions or concerns please email me at
Guidance - Ashley Seeklander
Lessons on anxiety, acceptance, and personal space are springing out of the Elementary school counselor's office. Over the next few weeks students in grades 3-5 will be taking in lessons on test anxiety. With the upcoming start to testing "season" it is easy to let our emotions and worries get the best of us all. Taking a hint from the teacher in Testing Ms. Malarky our third graders will walk away with the skills to ace their anxiety. In grades 4 and 5 we will learn about the four emotion zones and which ones are best to be in for test taking. Second grade will be having an iPAD lesson on accepting others for what's on the inside and not judging them on what's on the outside. Finally, Kindergarten will take a cue from RJ on how to respect the personal space of other people. After state mandated testing is all done we will shift into focusing on safety. Thank you for making this school year and job transition so wonderful. It has been a tremendous joy to come to work every day with such a great staff and fantastic students.

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