Wednesday,  March 26, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 253 • 20 of 35

(Continued from page 19)

torney says the jury was prejudiced against one of the women because she sought an abortion after the alleged rape.
• Eliason's attorney says the case was tough, but the jury did its duty.

SD governor signs bills for stadium, greenhouse

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard has signed 25 bills into law including several measures for the state's Board of Regents.
• One provision authorizes construction of a $650 million stadium at South Dakota State University. It will be paid for with private donations and the stadium's revenue.
• Another gives $750,000 for the construction of a greenhouse at Northern State University.
• Two other measures signed by the governor grant funding to the state's Board of Regents to purchase properties for SDSU in Brookings County totaling more than $2 million, while another will fund the demolition of two structures on the school's campus.
• The governor also signed a new law to create an electronic database of the sale of cold medicines to help law enforcement target the methamphetamine production.

• Sioux Falls among safest places to walk at night
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakota's largest city has been ranked among the safest places in the nation to walk at night.
• Sioux Falls ranked fifth among 189 cities and metropolitan areas listed in a Gallup-Healthways report released Tuesday.
• The rankings are based on more than half a million interviews nationwide. People were asked about emotional and physical health, job satisfaction, community safety and access to food, shelter and health care.
• The area of Holland-Grand Haven, Mich., earned the top spot to walk at night, while Fresno, Calif., was ranked last.

South Dakota's governor launches re-election drive
DIRK LAMMERS, Associated Press

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Gov. Dennis Daugaard says he has made tough choices during his first term leading South Dakota, cutting state spending by 10 percent to turn a $127 million post-recession structural deficit into a state budget with a surplus.
• The move in 2011 didn't come without controversy, as Democrats said education

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