Wednesday,  March 12, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 239 • 22 of 39

(Continued from page 21)

• SD Senate tweaks rules to fight school start dates
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The South Dakota Senate passed a bill regulating the process to challenge school board decisions about the first day of school.
• Voters can already request a vote through a referendum against the decision on when to start the school year. The measure approved Tuesday details how many people are required on the petition to get a referendum.
• Senators voted 19-16 to support a revised bill.
• It requires petitions with five percent of registered voters in smaller districts. Districts larger than 5,000 need five percent of the people who voted in the last general election for a referndum.
• Opponents say the change complicates the issue. Supporters say the measure is consistent with other referendum requirements.
• It will go back to the House for approval.

Governor vetoes bill to increase Deadwood tax
NORA HERTEL, Associated Press

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard vetoed a bill Tuesday that would have increased the hotel tax in Deadwood.
• The bill would have allowed municipalities to tax $3 per night. The current rate is $2.
• The increase would have brought in about $240,000 a year for marketing and promotions.
• In a statement, the governor said it would be a mistake to make it easier for local governments to raise taxes. He said local officials can already increase tax revenue with the property tax opt-out.
• The bill passed the House and Senate with narrow margins. Supporters said the change was necessary to support struggling communities. Opponents argued against a tax increase.
• The main sponsor of the bill, Sen. Bob Ewing, said Tuesday that he knew there was a risk the bill would be vetoed because it raised a tax.
• "I still think it's a very minor raise," the Republican from Spearfish said. He said it's a self-imposed tax and low compared with neighboring states.
• Ewing hopes to override the veto with a two-thirds vote in both chambers, even though the votes have been close.
• He said, "I'll do my best to try to convince everyone that it's worthwhile."

(Continued on page 23)

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