Saturday,  Feb. 15, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 214 • 35 of 49

(Continued from page 34)

have made clear that would be unacceptable.
• "Not only will the USDA's swift action impact those families who lost cattle in 2012 and 2013, but every consumer will benefit from the reliable food supply that is protected through the Livestock Disaster Assistance Programs," Rep. Kristi Noem, R-S.D. said in a statement.
• Noem, along with Sens. John Thune, R-S.D. and Tim Johnson, D-S.D., pressed USDA to move quickly.
• The months since the ferocious, early October blizzard have been a bleak period for many South Dakota ranchers. Bob Fortune, who ranches outside Belvidere, S.D. and serves as the president of the state's Stockgrowers Association, said many ranchers hurt by the storm have "pretty much been treading water, just waiting."
• "I'm sure banks have been holding on, hoping this was coming," he said.
• Fortune's group worked with the South Dakota Cattlemen's Association and the South Dakota Sheep Growers Association to establish the Rancher Relief Fund. The goal was to help ranchers bridge the time between the blizzard and when relief from the federal government might arrive.
• "It never amounted to much for one individual except for guys who lost big numbers of cattle," Fortune said. "It definitely wasn't making them whole."
• Emergency relief from USDA should help ranchers to make something closer to a full recovery, he said. And the state's congressional delegation responded with happiness that USDA had heeded their calls for expediting the program.
• Johnson said it was especially good for those ranchers hit by the October storm.
• "I am glad USDA is acting on my request to quickly implement these programs to get much needed help out the door to our producers," he said.

2 of most generous Americans are South Dakotans

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- The Chronicle of Philanthropy's list of 50 most generous givers in the country last year includes two South Dakotans.
• Former Sioux Falls businessman and banker T. Denny Sanford is ranked 20th, at $130.5 million. He gave money in 2013 to the University of California at San Diego, South Dakota State University and the Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation.
• The late Millicent Atkins, of Ipswich, is 50th on the list. The landowner bequeathed $37.5 million to Columbia United Church of Christ Congregational Church, the University of Minnesota and Northern State University.
• Northern State's school of education will be named in honor of Atkins, who died in July 2012, according to the American News.

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