Friday,  Feb. 14, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 213 • 8 of 37

(Continued from page 7)

elty penalty, the bill also strengthens protections for typical livestock husbandry practices. Coupled directly with this legislation are sound ordinary and customary livestock production practices that we must maintain as options for our producers. The full Senate heard that bill today and it passed without opposition.
• We had very good discussion concerning the Common Core standards today in the Senate Education Committee.  SB 129 calls for the end of the Common Core.  We had good testimony on both sides of the issue.  Action was deferred until Tuesday morning.  There have been and will continue to be more bills concerning common core.  It is a very divisive issue.  I am listening intently to all sides and I am sympathetic to the parents that are concerned for their children.  I do believe we have outstanding education leaders and they have worked very hard to improve the education of our students.  While the Common Core may not be perfect it does have good support and it needs to go forward.  As it does go forward our education leaders will continue to analyze and evaluate the process and will make changes as needed.  Transitions are difficult.  It is my hope that education leaders and parents will work together to improve the process. 
• Another divisive issue is SB 169.  This is the bill that deals with landowners v. sportsman concerning the usage of the land and water due to the high water levels in many areas.  The bill was on the Senate floor this week but it has been delayed to make improvements.  As it stands right now, both landowners and sportsmen are opposed to the bill.  There was a meeting after the session ended today but it didn't yield much in terms of improvement so it will be interesting as to how this goes forward. 
• As you can see we have a lot of contentious issues to consider.  I look forward to hearing from you and getting your input.   
• Thank you.
• Sincerely,
Chuck Welke
State Senate
District 2
Brown, Clark, Hamlin, and Spink Counties
We have two remaining Cracker Barrels:
February 22nd and March 1st
at the NSU Student Union in Aberdeen:   10:00-12:00

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