Monday,  Feb. 10, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 209 • 7 of 30

Feickert's Legislative Report

• It's hard to believe but we're almost at the midway point as we complete our fourth week of work in Pierre.  As one of your District 1 Representatives, it is my honor to serve the constituents of northern Brown County, Marshall, Roberts, and Day County in my third term in the House.
•  I serve on the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee where we discussed land taxation again this week. The proposal was HB 1006 where the actual use of the land (grass vs. crops) was to be used to determine the taxation value of that land. I believe that this is a taxation fairness issue and we must continue this discussion. This bill was tabled as it was decided by the proponents that we need more time to determine whether there will be an adverse effect on school funding.  Hopefully more research will in the end lead

Dennis Feickert

to a better piece of legislation in the future.
• There was much debate on HB 1083, a bill to limit conservation easement to 99 years.  Some easements are now set up so they are perpetual.  I really struggled with this legislation, as my son and I each have native grassland easements.  Perpetual easements are especially able to yield great wildlife habitat and thus promise the very best stewardship of the land. Please share your concerns with me as it next moves to the House floor for debate. I sincerely value my constituent's viewpoints on this or any other issue.
• In House Transportation a bill passed the House which was of great interest to me. SB 12 exempts farmers who truck their own products from several rules under federal code. If a farmer moves farm products such as fertilizer, sprays, commodities, or cattle within the state or 150 miles from the farm into a border state, they are exempt from certain federal regulations. You might want to look up and read SB 12 for yourself.  There's a lot to learn from the Legislative Research Council's website on this or any other issue. 
• Thank you for allowing me to be your voice in Pierre. I may be reached through my email at the capitol

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