Monday,  Feb. 10, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 209 • 3 of 30

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ups and downs, highs and lows, and everything in between, the last 26 years have been anything but boring.
This February 15th, the thrills and anxiety of our rollercoaster ride will begin to taper off when Luke Lindberg's rollercoaster ride begins. That's the day he will marry our daughter, Brittany. The good news for Luke is that he equaled her "lion" rating on the marital compatibility test. He just may be up to the challenge.
For Kimberley and me, life will be a little quieter, but a lot less interesting. We wouldn't trade the privilege of raising Brittany for anything in the world. We've watched her overcome adversity with toughness, determination, and persistence. Those traits allowed her to become one of the most decorated student-athletes in the history of her college alma mater. We've listened to her beautiful voice bring

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