Monday,  Feb. 10, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 209 • 2 of 30

My Fiery, Red-Haired Little Girl
By Senator John Thune

Some of you have heard me say that because I'm Scandinavian, I believe life is supposed to be hard. How much my heritage has to do with it may be an open question, but the fact remains that when I was growing up, I sort of adopted the view that gain comes from pain and hard work. My dad was never an emotional guy; he was too grounded in reality. I seem to have gotten that gene.
So imagine the challenge I faced when my wife delivered our first daughter, who from her very first day on the planet was more than just a little temperamental. The red hair should have been our first clue, but lest there was any doubt, the first few months dispelled it. To say she was colicky would be an understatement. Through

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