Saturday,  Feb. 08, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 207 • 31 of 39

(Continued from page 30)

allows us to really accurately determine where a transaction takes place based on where a customer is located."
• Large, multistate banks had told state officials that under the current law, very little of their business activity could be legally apportioned to South Dakota, Gerlach said. The measure will have little effect on small community banks, but will apply to large banks that conduct credit card operations and other multi-state services.
• Daugaard had called for the change in banking laws in his State of the State address. The proposed change was crafted by state officials, the South Dakota Bankers Association and representatives of six large banks, including Citibank and Wells Fargo.
• Curt Everson, president of the South Dakota Bankers Association, said Daugaard was correct when he noted that modern banking has changed with the growth of electronic transactions.
• "Brick walls, bank buildings and state borders don't mean what they used to in terms of how businesses conducts business, how banks conduct banking and how state's should apply their tax laws," Everson said.
• Banks agreed to make some securities trading income subject to South Dakota tax to help shore up state revenue, Everson said.
• No one testified against the bill Friday.
• "It seems like a fair system that comports with modern-day banking," said House Speaker Brian Gosch, R-Rapid City, a committee member.
• House Majority Leader David Lust, R-Rapid City, said he took part in the work group that proposed the tax changes and was pleased that the banks collaborated with the state to find an appropriate way to tax banking. The banks agreed to be taxed in some areas that had not previously been subject to the tax, he said.

AP News in Brief
Not gonna get us! Russia sets aside troubles, kicks off Sochi Games with hope and some hubris

• SOCHI, Russia (AP) -- A Russia in search of global vindication kicked off the Sochi Olympics looking more like a Russia that likes to party, with a pulse-raising opening ceremony about fun and sports instead of terrorism, gay rights and coddling despots.
• And that's just the way Russian President Vladimir Putin wants these Winter Games to be.

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