Saturday,  Feb. 08, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 207 • 3 of 39

Boys NEC Standings

Clark-WL      7-0  (has games with Redfield-Doland, Roncalli)
Roncalli      5-1  (has games left with Webster, Clark-WL, Redfield-D)
Groton        5-2  (has games left with Hamlin, Britton-Hecla)
Sisseton      5-2  (has games left with Hamlin, Redfield-Doland)
Hamlin        3-2  (has games left with Groton, Sisseton, Deuel, Webster)
Webster       2-4  (has games left with Roncalli, Milbank, Hamlin)
Redfield      2-4  (has games left with Cl-WL, Sisseton, Roncalli)
Britton-Hecla 2-5  (has games left with Deuel, Groton)
Milbank       1-7  (has games left with Webster)
Deuel         0-7  (has games left with Britton-Hecla, Hamlin)

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