Thursday,  Feb. 06, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 205 • 4 of 36

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away? Grandma fell and she can't get up. Can you come over real quick?"
• "I was just going down the steps," Judy said, "and I fell down. I was real proud of Jacob. I tell him he's my hero."
• Jacob's teacher, Ann Gibbs, said just a couple of weeks before that incident, everyone had to learn their phone numbers in kindergarten. "Everyone had to learn them," Ann said. "Jacob was the only one with his great-grandmother and because he knew his telephone number, he was able to call for help. We teach a lot of life skills and you never know when you might need them. In the upcoming month, we'll be learning our addresses. He is a little kin

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Jacob Tewksbury is pictured with his great-grandmother, Judy Johnston.

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