Monday,  Feb. 03, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 202 • 21 of 27

(Continued from page 20)

country between supporters of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and opponents who allege her government is too corrupt to rule.
• Demonstrators have occupied major intersections in Bangkok and forced government ministries to shut down and work elsewhere.
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GOP starts laying blame on Obama for failure to pass immigration overhaul

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republicans are starting to lay the blame on President Barack Obama if an overhaul of the nation's broken immigration system fails to become law.
• The GOP's emerging plan on immigration is to criticize Obama as an untrustworthy leader and his administration as an unreliable enforcer of any laws that might be passed. Perhaps realizing the odds of finding a consensus on immigration are long, the Republicans have started telling voters that if the GOP-led House doesn't take action this election year, it is Obama's fault.
• "If the president had been serious about this the last five years, we'd be further along in this discussion," Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a Republican, said Sunday.
• House Republicans last week unveiled a road map for an overhaul of the nation's broken immigration system that calls for increased border security, better law enforcement within the U.S. and a pathway to legal status -- but not citizenship -- for millions of adults who live in America unlawfully. The proposal requires those here illegally to pay back taxes and fines.
• But one of its backers, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, said distrust of Obama poisons interest among some in his Republican caucus.
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Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead in NYC apartment; drugs suspected

• NEW YORK (AP) -- He was only 46, busy as ever and secure in his standing as one of the world's greatest actors.
• There were no dissenters about the gifts and achievements of Philip Seymour Hoffman, whose death Sunday in New York brought a stunning halt to his extraordinary and unpredictable career.
• An Oscar winner and multiple nominee, Hoffman could take on any character with almost unnerving authority, whether the religious leader in command of his every word in "The Master," a trembling mess in "Boogie Nights," or the witty, theat

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