Sunday,  Jan. 26, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 194 • 5 of 32

How to Deal with Mother Nature's Cold Shoulder
Dr. James L. Snyder

• I have a little confession to make. I do not often make public confessions, but confession is good for the soul. My confession, however, has nothing whatsoever to do with my soul. Simply put, I am cold to the bone!

• I guess I have been colder but I am suffering from brain freeze right now
• I was hoping all that chatter about global warming was somewhere in the neighborhood of being true. If so, nobody happened to send the memo to Mother Nature. With the sophistication of our communication technology today, I am not sure how this memo failed to get to her. Of course, they could have sent the message with one of those infamous government computers. We all know how reliable they are.
• Another thought along this line is that maybe Mother Nature got the memo all right, but, like all good mothers do, ignored it and went about her own

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