Saturday,  Jan. 25, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 193 • 28 of 35

(Continued from page 27)

• He was also ordered to pay the IRS and identity theft victims nearly $422,000.
• Prosecutors say Adams used personal information of other people to file bogus income tax returns showing refunds due.
• Several of his co-defendants attended USD in Vermillion and are former members of the football team.

AP News in Brief
Egypt marks third anniversary of 2011 revolution as militants claim deadly Cairo bombings

• CAIRO (AP) -- Demonstrators began gathering Saturday in Egypt's Tahrir Square to mark the third anniversary of the start of its 2011 revolution, though streets remained empty elsewhere in a city on edge following a spate of bombings claimed by militants.
• An al-Qaida-inspired militant group claimed responsibility for bombings targeting police that killed six people Friday. A bomb exploded early Saturday near a police training institute, but caused no casualties, officials said.
• Those in Tahrir Square, the focal point of protests that toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak, chanted anti-Islamist slogans and carried banners in support of a military that carried out a popularly supported July coup that toppled Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. Others carried posters supporting powerful Defense Minister Gen. Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi, already being talked about as a possible presidential candidate in coming elections.
• "Come down (nominate yourself), oh Sissi," the small crowd gathered there chanted. Armored personnel carriers sat the entrances of the square and soldiers stood guard.
• Radio stations aired patriotic songs Saturday as military helicopters flew over the square. Private television stations aired images of small rallies in different provinces.
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Egypt's hopeful 2011 uprising battered by crackdowns, militant attacks on third anniversary

• CAIRO (AP) -- As Egyptians mark the third anniversary of their spectacular revolt against autocrat Hosni Mubarak in the name of democracy on Saturday, there has been a powerful sign of the country's stunning reversals since: letters of despair

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