Friday,  Jan. 17, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 185 • 28 of 32

(Continued from page 27)

Pa. couple who advertised 'slightly haunted' home attracting ghost hunters, curiosity seekers

• DUNMORE, Pa. (AP) -- Between the mysteriously banging doors, the odd noises coming from the basement, and the persistent feeling that someone is standing behind them, homeowners Gregory and Sandi Leeson are thoroughly creeped out by their 113-year-old Victorian.
• So when they put the house in northeastern Pennsylvania up for sale last month, they advertised it as "slightly haunted."
• Then things got REALLY weird.
• There were calls from ghost hunters. An open house attracted lots of curiosity seekers, but no legitimate buyers. And a former resident came out of the woodwork to tell the couple that when he was a kid, he found a human skull in the basement -- the same basement whose door Sandi Leeson once barricaded because she swore she could hear the clicking of a cigarette lighter emanating from the subterranean depths.
• It's enough to make her husband wonder whether he did the right thing when he playfully wrote about the home's spooky charms:
• ___

US Sen. Tom Coburn to resign after current session; Republican diagnosed with cancer last year

• OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- Sen. Tom Coburn has announced he will resign at the end of the current session of Congress, nearly two years before his term is scheduled to end.
• The decision comes just months after the two-term Republican senator was diagnosed with a recurrence of prostate cancer, but the 65-year-old said in a statement late Thursday that his health wasn't the reason.
• "Carolyn and I have been touched by the encouragement we've received from people across the state regarding my latest battle against cancer," Coburn said, referring to his wife. "But this decision isn't about my health, my prognosis or even my hopes and desires.
• "As a citizen, I am now convinced that I can best serve my own children and grandchildren by shifting my focus elsewhere. In the meantime, I look forward to finishing this year strong."

(Continued on page 29)

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