Wednesday,  Jan. 15, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 183 • 20 of 31

(Continued from page 19)

• Noem made no reference to extending long-term unemployment benefits, which expired in December. Obama and Senate Democrats have been pushing to pass a fresh extension this year but the Republican-controlled House has been resistant.
• Democrats have defended their handling of the economy, saying December was an outlier after months of steady job growth. They have also noted that the unemployment rate is at its lowest point since Oct. 2008, before President Barack Obama took office.
• Democrats have also pointed to overall long term growth in the job market, noting that U.S. employers have added more than 2 million jobs in each of the past two years, for an average of roughly 182,000 jobs a month.
• Outside analysts also blamed frigid and snowy December weather for part of the month's lackluster numbers.
• But Noem said the economy will suffer if Obama and others emphasize government programs instead of private sector growth. She said states like South Dakota prove which approach is correct.
• "If we want to truly give our young folks a shot at the American dream again, it's not going to be through a welfare program, through a government-run program ..." she said. "And we've got proof in what we're seeing in a lot of these Republican governor states. And that's why you'll continue to see the Republican conference push on the bills and the ideas that we brought forward.

ND kicks off celebration of 125 years of statehood
JAMES MacPHERSON, Associated Press

• BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- North Dakota should honor its rich history and look to the future as it celebrates its 125th year of statehood, Gov. Jack Dalrymple said Tuesday.
• "This is a great, historic moment," Dalrymple told more than 100 people who gathered at the state Capitol in Bismarck to kick off a yearlong celebration of statehood. "It's going to be a great time."
• Tuesday's gathering included musical acts and entertainment. A logo featuring a huge bison head and sheaves of wheat also was unveiled and will be used for promotional purposes throughout the year. The logo by West Fargo artist Eric Falde was chosen from submissions entered in a contest last summer.
• Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley chaired the committee that organized the 125th anniversary celebration and judged the logo submissions.
• North Dakota and South Dakota were both granted statehood on Nov. 2, 1889.

(Continued on page 21)

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