Tuesday,  Dec. 31, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 168B • 5 of 25

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and Native Americans.  Currently we are studying the explorers.  Students are also taking quizzes on the states and expected to know all 50 states.
• Technology seems to be a bigger part of our classroom each year.  Our writing assessment was on the computer this year.  Both Science and reading textbook are also on the internet.  Students each have flash drives to save their projects.  This allows them to work on their projects at home and at school.  Senteos are another form of technology we are using with our smartboards.  They are handheld devices that students use to enter their answers.  The computer will then tell them which answers they had correct and which were wrong.  The times are changing and we are trying to keep up.

Speech  Pathologist~ Mary Hempel  mary.hempel@k12.sd.us  
Happy Holidays! 
• Christmas Vacation is an opportunity to make time to read with your children or listen to them read.
• Following are a list of books recommended for increasing phonology and articulation skills:    
•     Good Night Gorilla by Peggy Rathman (ages 2-5 years)
•     Happy Hiding Hippos by Bobette McCarthy (ages 2-5 years)
•     Pig on a Swing by Jenny Nimmo and Caroline Uff (ages 4-8 years)
•     The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Audrey Wood (4-8 years)
• Activities to help children learn language lessons, such as: following directions, giving directions, a great way to practice putting items in sequence and giving directions in order is to help children follow a recipe, then tell others how they did it.  
• The following recipe for play dough gives additional opportunities for forming the dough into letter sounds, etc.  the possibilities to have fun are endless. 
Applesauce Cinnamon Play Dough
• *this dough will harden in 12 hrs., shapes can be cut out with cookie cutters, it works well to make holiday ornaments that also smell yummy!*
What You Will Need:
•     1/2 cup cinnamon
•     1/2 cup applesauce
•     1 plastic bag
How To Make It: 
• 1.  Pour cinnamon and applesauce into a zip lock bag

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