Tuesday,  Dec. 31, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 168B • 11 of 25

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such as, how to show a goat at the fair, and how to make Oreo cake balls.  The next quarter we will be covering a unit on black history.  We will be discussing the impact of Rosa Parks, and we will be discussing different forms of racism.  We will also be discussing subject/verb agreement and tenses.

• Eighth Grade English - Mrs. Kurtz
• The eighth graders spent their first nine-weeks learning and reviewing the parts of a sentence.  They also reviewed the eight parts of speech.  I learned about each of the student's families when the eighth graders presented their family profile to the class.  In the family profile project, the students chose five family members to interview.  Next, they had to compile their information and incorporate pictures of their family into their Power Point. The last step was presenting it to the class.  This project contains many of the state standards for listening, viewing and speaking. At the end of the semester, the students reviewed the eight parts of speech before taking the semester test. 

• Physical Science- Kristen Gonsoir
• Physical Science is finishing up the first half of the year's study of physics with the study of waves. Students are learning about the relationships between sound intensity, amplitude, energy, and loudness and then frequency and pitch. The study of sound has a lot of overlap into biology as we learn how sounds travel from objects to our ears and how our ears change the sound waves into a nerve impulse. The study of sound also overlaps into the fine arts as students learn about pitch and frequency and its relationship to music.  The last unit before switching to the study of chemistry will be light and the behavior of light. After this chapter students will be able to tell you why the sky appears blue!

• Chemistry I- Kristen Gonsoir
• Chemistry I students are working on balancing chemical equations. Balancing equations is important for showing the law of conservation of mass. A balanced equation will also be necessary later as students learn how to calculate amounts of materials needed and produced in a chemical reaction. During the study of chemical reactions, students will also learn about the different classifications for chemical reactions. We will also be studying the different forces that drive the different chemical reactions.

• Chemistry II (Organic Chemistry)- Kristen Gonsoir
• Chemistry II is currently studying the ether functional group family. The next func

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