Thursday,  Dec. 19, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 156 • 5 of 28

(Continued from page 4)

fore insurance kicks in. Then the policy would pay for everything.
• The family had run smack into the realities of the new market place. "The tax credit won't mean much when you have such a high deductible," Marilyn said. "When people find out about the nuts and bolts, they are going to be pissed." She summed up her experience in one word, "disappointing."
• Others may have better experiences as improves and customer service reps become more knowledgeable. The bottom line remains:  Being a good shopper for health coverage is just plain hard.
• Editor's note: The Rural Health News Service is funded by a grant from The Commonwealth Fund and distributed through the Nebraska Press Association Foundation, the Colorado Press Association and the South Dakota Newspaper Association.

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