Sunday,  Dec. 08, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 145 • 9 of 34

Groton Area School District #06-6 Board Meeting
December 9, 2013 - 7:00 PM; GHS Conference Room

• 1. Call to Order with members present. Approve agenda as proposed or amended.
• 1. Approval of minutes of November 11, 2013 school board meeting as drafted or amended.
• 2. Approval of minutes of November 25, 2013 school board meeting as drafted or amended.
• 3. Approval of North Central Special Education Co-Op (NCSEC) agenda school of record.
• 4. Approval of November District bills for payment.
• 5. Approval of November Financial Report, Agency Accounts, and Investments.
• 1. Open Forum for Public accordance with Board Policy & Guidelines.
• 2. School Board Committee Reports:
• a. Building, Grounds, & Transportation: Lars Hanson, Merle Harder, Marty Weismantel
• b. Personnel, Policy, & Curriculum: Dorene Nelson, Joy Voss
• c. Negotiations: Kelly Kjelden, Steve Smith
• 3. Administrative Reports: (a) ASBSD December Bulletin; (b) Present district-wide survey results; (c) Governor's Budget Address; (d) Athletic Program Improvement Work; (e) Principals' Reports
• 1. Approve Change Orders for 1968 Addition Roofing Project for (-$29,960).
• 2. Review bus bid specifications for a new route bus, set date for bid opening (recommend January 13, 2014 at
• 2:00 PM), and authorize business manager to advertise for bids.
• 3. Approve resignation of Duane Kavanaugh as Head Girls Soccer Coach.
• 4. Approve hiring Brooke Lingbeck as Special Education Paraprofessional at $12.00/hr, 7hrs/day.
• 5. Approve South Dakota School District Benefits Fund Plan Amendment E.
• 6. Request from St. John's Lutheran Church for use or rental of District sound equipment.
• 7. Discuss and approve/deny Scott Thorson request for sabbatical leave.
• 8. Executive Session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2(1) to discuss personnel issues.
• 9. Other items, as may be appropriate or as deemed necessary.

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