Friday,  Dec. 06, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 143 • 8 of 39

Today in Weather History

1969: An unusual period of almost continuous snow began in southern Minnesota and eastern South Dakota on the afternoon of the 5th and continued until late on the 10th. The Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport reported 88 2/3 consecutive hours of snowfall, which amounted to 14.2 inches total. The snowfall was generally 3-9 inches in the western half of Minnesota, with slightly lesser amounts in eastern South Dakota. 2.0 inches fell at Summit and Sisseton; 2.5 inches at Watertown and Waubay; 3.0 inches at Clear Lake; 3.1 inches at Aberdeen; and 4.0 inches at Artichoke Lake, Webster, and Milbank.
1970: A coastal storm over the eastern U.S. produced high winds which toppled the national Christmas tree at the White House.
2003: Tropical Storm Odette made a rare appearance after the official end of hurricane season, releasing 7 inches of rain on the Dominican Republic and doing 8 million dollars damage.

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