Sunday,  Dec. 01, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 138 • 18 of 23

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Angeles County Sheriff's Department said. Two people who were found in the car were pronounced dead at the scene.
• Walker's publicist Ame Van Iden confirmed the actor's death. A statement on Walker's Facebook page said he was a passenger in a friend's car, and that Walker was in the area to attend a charity event for his organization Reach Out Worldwide.
• The Sheriff's Department said that speed was a factor in the crash.
• The Santa Clarita Valley Signal reported that the Porsche crashed into a light pole and tree and burst into flames. The fundraiser, to benefit victims of Typhoon Haiyan, took place at a nearby racecar shop. Attendees rushed to put out the flames with fire extinguishers to no avail.
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Family of detained American tourist in NKorea says he's 'well treated'; pleads for his release

• SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The family of an elderly U.S. tourist detained for more than a month in North Korea said Saturday the Swedish ambassador has seen the man and found him to be in good health.
• Merrill Newman's family in California said in a statement that the State Department told them that the Swedish ambassador to North Korea had visited the 85-year-old at a Pyongyang hotel.
• "We were very pleased to hear that the Ambassador was allowed to pay this first visit to Merrill," the statement said. "As a result of the visit, we know that Merrill is in good health. ... Merrill reports that he is being well treated and that the food is good."
• An Obama administration official called for his release, urging North Korea to consider his age and health conditions.
• Sweden handles consular issues for Americans in North Korea as the U.S. and North Korea have no diplomatic relations.
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Bipartisan panels have history of coming up short on crafting spending and debt-ceiling fixes

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Since the end of World War II, more than a dozen high-profile bipartisan panels have been convened to tackle the nation's thorniest fiscal problems. Seldom have their recommendations spurred congressional action.
• Their ambitious, high-octane reports and recommendations are mostly gathering

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