Saturday,  Nov. 30, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 137 • 2 of 25

September Students of the Month

Back - Megan Unzen, Keri Pappas, Caitlyn Fluke, Kaitlyn Anderson
Front - Jenifer Fjelstad, Gabe Dohman, Nicole Marzahn

• The September students of the month at Groton Area Middle/High School are senior Caitlyn Fluke, junior Gabe Dohman, sophomore Megan Unzen, freshman Keri Pappas, eighth grader Kenifer Fjelstad, seventh grader Kaitlyn Anderson and sixth grader Nicole Marzahn.
• The student of the month is sponsored by the student council and is chosen by the faculty members. The students must show outstanding academic achievement and each student receives a certificate and will have a spring lunch with the principal and will receive a Dairy Queen treat at the end of the year.
Nicole Marzahn is a sixth grader and is the daughter of Renee and Wade Marzahn. Her siblings are Breanna, Landon and Andrew.
• Activities include basketball, hanging out with friends, piano, doing crafts, shopping, 4-H and sports. Her accomplishments include starting to play the organ and she made it to state for "Make it with Wool."
• Nicole is interested in sports, friends, family, shopping, shoes and clothes and she likes Justin Bieber. Art is her favorite subject. Nicole has her future all mapped out. She either going to be famous or get a job in Cosmetology. She plans to get married and have three kids--to be exact, two boys and one girl. Justin Bieber is her role model.

Kaitlyn Anderson is a seventh grader and is the daughter of John and Stacey Anderson, Claremont. She has one sister, Kennedy.
• Kaitlyn's activities include basketball, volleyball, Carnival of Silver Skates and 4-H.  Her accomplishments include being student of the month last year and was on the honor roll for the first quarter this year and all of last year. Her interests are pho

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