Monday,  Nov. 18, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 125 • 2 of 39

Harry name Groton Snow Queen

• The 2014 Groton Snow Queen Contest was held Sunday, Nov. 17, at the GHS Gym. Darac Harry, daughter of Lisa Harry, was crowed the Senior Snow Queen with Caitlyn Fluke, daughter of Jim and Tammy Weiszhaar and William Fluke, being named runner-up. Cheyenne Schaller, daughter of Steve and Julie Schaller, was voted by her peers as Miss Congeniality.
• The junior snow queen was Heather Lone, daughter of Michael and Barbara Lone, with the runner-up

being Macy Knecht, daughter of Pat and Carol Knecht.
• Karter Moody, son of

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Roger Rix, program chairman, gave the welcome on behalf of the Groton Kiwanis Club. (Photo #8411 by Paul Kosel)

Adam Franken was the master of ceremony. (Photo #8412 by Paul Kosel)

Erica Schuster, 2013 Groton Senior Snow Queen, returned from college to give a welcome. (Photo #8414 by Paul Kosel)

Marlee Jones, 2013 Groton Junior Snow Queen, greeted the crowd with a few words. (Photo #8413 by Paul Kosel)

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