Friday,  Nov. 15, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 122 • 6 of 34

Kaukimoce sparks youth rally

• Keeley Kaukimoce who is from the L.A. area were she lives now, and  who is a professional Hip Hop dancer who has performed with many famous artists and been in countless videos  with Justin Bieber, Janet Jackson, Christina Aguilera, Black Eyed Peas, and is currently a member of a female crew The Beat Freaks. Also in Shake it up , Legally Blonde, You got served and Go for it. Keeley grow up in the 70's -80's. She discovered street dancing while watching music videos at the age of 10 yrs old in a small town of Garland, Texas home. She grew up in a unique affection for all forms of street dance which included locking, popping, party dancing. She found a big box that she practiced on in her front yard tell her dad threw the box in the garbage. Then she had to find other places like a club that her and her friends

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