Wednesday,  Nov. 6, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 113B • 8 of 27

(Continued from page 7)

Future Activities:
• Before Conferences, I am planning on doing a Squash book activity with the students. The finished product will resemble a scrap book that you can fold up into a square. The students are really excited about this activity and we will be displaying them on our OST bulletin board (near the North entrance) for Conferences on November 14th.  So please be sure to stop by and see the artistic talents of the students who attend OST.
• This year the students have had the chance to provide snack for a day again if they would like to. So far this year we have only had a couple of people provide snack. Some of the students have brought Freezer Pops, Cheese and Crackers, Ice Cream, Pudding, and Pizza Rolls, and Halloween Cookies. The students have been really excited about having this chance to be a bigger part of GRASP by providing snack for their friends. Every day someone asks me "Who provided snack today?" When they ask and I tell them, I can see their face light up when they find out who it was and that makes me happy along with the student who brought the snack.
• If you would like to provide snack, please bring snack for 40 kids as we have had an increase in attendance each day.
GRASP Attendance:
• So far this year, we have had an average of 30-35 students per afternoon. This is fabulous news and I am excited about it. This is an increase in attendance of about 10 kids on average compared to last spring. We are having so much fun during OST, I hope the attendance continues to increase. I enjoy and love working with your kids and everyday I can't wait for 3:22 to come so I can see who I get to have fun with.

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