Wednesday,  Nov. 6, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 113B • 15 of 27

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business that they could use.  The students will be studying different markets for agriculture commodities.  They will learn about the different options farmers have when selling their products as well as calculating the breakeven price.  Examining market trends, they will be able to determine if they should sell their products on the cash market, forward contract them, or even use the futures markets.

• Horticulture - Mr. Franken
The students in the Horticulture class have been learning about the parts and functions of plants.  They have been studying the root, stem, leaf, and flower systems in plants and understand how they all work together.  The students will soon be learning about hydroponic systems and how they are used to grow different crops.

FFA - Mr. Franken
The members of the Groton FFA Chapter have been busy getting ready for our District CDE.  We look to have a good parliamentary procedure team this year as the officers are coming in to school at 7:30 am to practice.  Some of the members are also going to compete in individual CDE's as well.

• 6th grade - Mr. Hawkins
We have 43 total students in 6th grade this year.  I teach 6th grade Math, Science, and Health.  I also have my homeroom students for English/Spelling.
• In Math,  we have worked with whole numbers and decimals doing all the operations of add, subtract, multiply, and divide.  We have also worked on math expressions and solved basic algebraic equations.  We are now just finishing up collecting and organizing number data, and we also made different graphs to represent the data.  Our next unit will be fractions!
• Life science has been the unit of study in Science.  We learned more about cells and their parts, how living things are classified, heredity, different biomes in the world, and ecosystems.  Some of the material we cover in Science carries over into Health, where we study and learn more about the human body and its systems.
• The greater part of English in 6th grade is grammar.  We have been studying the proper usage of nouns and verbs for now.  We will soon get into the adjectives and adverbs.

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