Sunday,  Nov. 03, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 110 • 5 of 27

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It was too lovely of an evening to get hung up on such small matters. After all, I was unwinding and did not need to put my little gray cells in high gear. Taking our order, our waitress disappeared into the kitchen while we sat back to enjoy each other's society while our meal was being prepared. Luxury, in my book, is where you find it.

After a busy week in the church, it is always beneficial to settle back and relax. Nothing is more important than getting balance in life and keeping it.

Before we knew it, the waitress brought our meals and set them before us. Much to my surprise, the vegetable of the day was broccoli. The waitress quickly disappeared amidst some unsuccessful muffled giggling from across the table. Gaining some measure of composure, my wife requested I offer the prayer for the meal.

My question: does God really expect me to pray for broccoli?

I was reminded of an incident with my good friend and spiritual mentor, the Rev. Frank Simmons. After a Sunday morning service, a woman approached Frank with a simple request.

"Oh, Brother Simmons," she said in a dramatic fashion that always irritated Frank, "would you pray that my daughter gets married?"

Without giving her request any thought, he replied in the negative. The thing I always liked about good ole Brother Simmons was that he was always Frank.

"Why won't you pray for my daughter," demanded the woman.

"Well," Frank said, "tell me something.  Does she have any special friend? Is she dating?"

Frank later told me that many people want God to do everything for them.  "There is plenty for us to do," he said with a mischievous grin.

Of course, Frank firmly believed in prayer but he also believed people have personal responsibility in their lives.  So many blame God for the bad in their life.  Then when they get in trouble, they want God to bail them out. One of Frank's favorite sayings was, "Many folk sow their wild oats Saturday night and then Sunday morn

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