Saturday,  Oct. 26, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 102 • 5 of 37

Website "Glitches" Demonstrate Why
ObamaCare Isn't Ready for Primetime
By Senator John Thune

• This month, hundreds of thousands of families throughout the country began receiving notices that their current health insurance coverage would be canceled. Despite the president's repeated promise during the 2009 debate on health care, "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it," families throughout the nation are being forced to abandon their current coverage. This has required many of them, scrambling under the weight of a looming individual mandate deadline, to look to the national health care exchanges for help.
• Unfortunately, the tool that many had hoped would be a resource to aid them in their health insurance search has proven to be an epic failure. The October 1st launch of the national health care exchange website,, was heralded by the administration as a critical component of ObamaCare that would increase access to coverage and expand the number of available options through a user-friendly online website. Instead, the highly-anticipated launch was riddled with errors, long wait times, and so-called "glitches." Despite the ongoing problems with the website, the administration continues to claim that many of these "glitches" are due to the overwhelming traffic on the website. Yet they have refused to say how many Americans have actually enrolled in the exchanges since the beginning of October.
• In fact, in North Dakota, the administration requested that the state's largest

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