Tuesday,  Oct. 22, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 98 • 31 of 34

(Continued from page 30)

fied the dead as suspected militants.
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Hundreds evacuate low shore areas, mountain villages as hurricane looms off Mexico's coast

• ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) -- Authorities moved hundreds of people from isolated mountain communities and low-lying shore areas as a strong Hurricane Raymond loomed off Mexico's already storm-battered southern Pacific coast.
• Guerrero state Gov. Angel Aguirre urged people to stay off the streets, roads and highways Tuesday because of potentially dangerous rains from the Category 3 storm that meandered offshore.
• "The phenomenon's behavior is completely erratic, completely unpredictable," Aguirre said Monday night.
• Although forecasts predicted Raymond's center wouldn't come ashore, the storm still threatened to push heavy rains over the soaked region, which sustained widespread damage in September from floods and landslides set off by Tropical Storm Manuel.
• There were no reports of torrential rains Monday, but sporadic rains fell in some parts of the state and some streets flooded in soaked Acapulco, where city workers reinforced roads with sand bags. In the nearby town of Coyuca, a bridge was closed to traffic as an already swollen river began spilling over its banks.
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Giants get 1st win, hold Peterson in check and beat sloppy Vikings 23-7

• EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) -- With six losses on their resume, the New York Giants could have been wondering if they would ever win a game this season.
• Instead, they searched within to see what they are made of.
• "The players and coaches have great pride in what we're doing," Eli Manning said Monday night after -- at last -- the team's first victory, 23-7 over the Minnesota Vikings. "We just had to keep going, get rid of some of the mistakes, and play the way we need to play."
• They were efficient, if not overwhelming, which is all they needed to be against the mistake-prone Vikings (1-5).
• The Giants began the season as the team turning over the ball (minus-16 difference) while showing little penchant for playing defense. But against the Vikings,

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