Tuesday,  Oct. 22, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 98 • 3 of 34

City health insurance goes up 5.37 percent

• The Groton City Council was full of reports and information, but most of it pertained to the day-to-day operations of the city.
• The insurance inspection report was presented with only 10 items being documented for repairs among all of the city buildings.
• Nearly $100,000 in contingency transfers were approved. The funds were already spent, but it has to be appropriated.
• There was a request from the state Department of Environment and Natural Resources to allow the state to withdraw funds from the city's checking account for loan payments. City Finance Officer Anita Lowary said all of the paperwork still has to be done and the only thing it would save is writing and mailing a check. "We offered to send them the money if they give us their checking account, but they don't want to do that," Lowary said. "So why should we give them our checking account information?" The council agreed and decided not to participate in the program
• The employee's health insurance will go up a little over 5 percent for next year. Lowary said that other towns are experiencing a 19 percent increase. The council decided to renew its policy with Blue Cross/Blue Shield with no change in deductions.
• The second reading of the speed ordinance was approved. This would set the speed limit to 25 miles per hour instead of 20 miles per hour in through and side streets.
• The council decided to start advertising for skating rink staff, decided to have a Christmas Lighting Contest and Santa Day--both in conjunction with the Chamber,

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