Saturday,  Oct. 19, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 95 • 28 of 29

(Continued from page 27)

rights and liberties.
• In 1781, British troops under Gen. Lord Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, Va., as the American Revolution neared its end.
• In 1812, French forces under Napoleon Bonaparte began their retreat from Moscow.
• In 1864, Confederate Gen. Jubal A. Early attacked Union forces at Cedar Creek, Va.; the Union troops were able to rally and defeat the Confederates.
• In 1936, H.R. Ekins of the New York World-Telegram beat out Dorothy Kilgallen of the New York Journal and Leo Kieran of The New York Times in a round-the-world race on commercial flights that lasted 18 1/2 days.
• In 1944, the play "I Remember Mama," by John van Druten, opened at the Music Box Theater on Broadway.
• In 1951, President Harry S. Truman signed an act formally ending the state of war with Germany.
• In 1960, the United States began a limited embargo against Cuba covering all commodities except medical supplies and certain food products.
• In 1967, the U.S. space probe Mariner 5 flew past Venus.
• In 1977, the supersonic Concorde made its first landing in New York City.
• In 1982, automaker John Z. DeLorean was arrested by federal agents in Los Angeles, accused of conspiring to sell $24 million of cocaine to salvage his business. (DeLorean was acquitted at trial on grounds of entrapment.)
• In 1994, 22 people were killed as a terrorist bomb shattered a bus in the heart of Tel Aviv's shopping district. Entertainer Martha Raye died in Los Angeles at age 78.

Ten years ago: Pope John Paul II beatified Mother Teresa during a ceremony in St. Peter's Square. Former Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic (AHL'-yuh ee-zeht-BEG'-oh-vich) died in Sarajevo at age 78. The New York Yankees defeated the Florida Marlins 6-1 to even the World Series at one game apiece. New York magician David Blaine emerged from 44 days of isolation in a clear plastic box suspended over London.
Five years ago: Retired Gen. Colin Powell, a Republican who was President George W. Bush's first secretary of state, broke with the party and endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president, calling him a "transformational figure" during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press." The Tampa Bay Rays held off the defending champion Boston Red Sox 3-1 to win the American League championship series in Game 7. Mr. Blackwell, the acerbic designer famous for his annual worst-dressed list of celebrities, died in Los Angeles at age 86.

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