Saturday,  Oct. 19, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 95 • 14 of 29


• Marie asked her mother what she could do to become an angel. After a moment's thought she looked caringly at her and said, "Be good, Marie - very good and if you are, some day when you go to heaven you will become an angel."
• But no one goes to heaven because of the life they lived or their good deeds. Entrance to heaven - eternal life with our Heavenly Father - is through Jesus Christ His Son, our Savior.
• Angels, or heavenly hosts as David calls them, have an interesting status. They are older than mankind but they are not eternal. They are mighty, supernatural beings who surround the throne of God and follow His commands and do whatever He asks them as His "special messengers." They are part of God's angelic army and His celestial court. While there has never been an increase in the number of angels, the Bible says that their company - or number - is "countless."
• David says something very interesting about them, "Praise the Lord, all His heavenly hosts, you His servants who do His will." As His servants they have special roles and relationships with Him. But more importantly, they have special responsibilities. They are His messengers, bring comfort in times of need and distress, give military assistance, provide protection, guard and give guidance to those who are His own.
• Finally, an angel will come from heaven, seize Satan, bind him in chains and cast him into "the pit."
Prayer: Help us, Father, to live in complete obedience to You as do Your angels. May we always follow Your will. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 103:21 Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.

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