Wednesday,  Oct. 16, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 92 • 35 of 36

(Continued from page 34)

• In 1793, during the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette, the queen of France, was beheaded.
• In 1859, radical abolitionist John Brown led a group of 21 men in a raid on Harpers Ferry in western Virginia. (Ten of Brown's men were killed and five escaped. Brown and six followers ended up being captured; all were executed.)
• In 1901, Booker T. Washington dined at the White House as the guest of President Theodore Roosevelt, whose invitation to the black educator sparked controversy.
• In 1912, the Boston Red Sox won the World Series, defeating the New York Giants in Game 8, 3-2 (Game 2 had ended in a tie on account of darkness).
• In 1942, the ballet "Rodeo" (roh-DAY'-oh), with music by Aaron Copland and choreography by Agnes de Mille, premiered at New York's Metropolitan Opera House.
• In 1943, Chicago Mayor Edward J. Kelly officially opened the city's new subway system during a ceremony at the State and Madison street station.
• In 1952, the Charles Chaplin film "Limelight" premiered in London.
• In 1962, the New York Yankees won the World Series, defeating the San Francisco Giants in Game 7 at Candlestick Park, 1-0.
• In 1972, a twin-engine plane carrying U.S. House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, D-La., and U.S. Rep. Nick Begich, D-Alaska, disappeared while flying over a remote region of Alaska; the aircraft was never found.
• In 1978, the College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church chose Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (voy-TEE'-wah) to be the new pope; he took the name John Paul II.
• In 1987, a 58-1/2-hour drama in Midland, Texas, ended happily as rescuers freed Jessica McClure, an 18-month-old girl trapped in an abandoned well.
• In 1991, a deadly shooting rampage took place in Killeen, Texas, as George Hennard opened fire at a Luby's Cafeteria, killing 23 people before taking his own life.

• Te
n years ago: The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution aimed at attracting more troops and money to help stabilize Iraq and speed its independence. Three American soldiers were killed during a clash at a Shiite Muslim cleric's headquarters in Karbala. Pope John Paul II celebrated his 25 years as pontiff before a huge crowd in St. Peter's Square. The New York Yankees won the American League Championship Series, defeating the Boston Red sox 6-5 in Game 7.
Five years ago: A volatile Wall Street pulled off another stunning U-turn, trans

(Continued on page 36)

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