Monday,  Oct. 14, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 91 • 30 of 34

(Continued from page 29)

into recession" after the fitful recovery from 2008.
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AP NewsBreak: World doping agency probing Jamaica over testing collapse before London Olympics

• The world's anti-doping authority is launching an "extraordinary" audit of Jamaica's drug-testing agency following allegations that its policing of the island's sprinting superstars led by Usain Bolt all but collapsed in the months before they dazzled at the London Games, The Associated Press has learned.
• WADA's probe follows data the former executive director of the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission revealed to the Caribbean's oldest newspaper indicating a near complete breakdown in JADCO's out-of-competition testing from January 2012 to the July opening of the Olympics.
• In an interview with The Associated Press, JADCO chairman Herbert Elliott dismissed Renee Anne Shirley's figures as lies and described her as "a bit demented" and "a Judas." But the World Anti-Doping Agency tells a different story: WADA confirmed to the AP that there was, as Shirley asserted, "a significant gap of no testing" by JADCO as athletes trained in the months ahead of the Games -- and that it is concerned enough to investigate.
• International Olympic Committee medical chiefs, WADA and Britain's anti-doping agency, which also worked on London's massive drug-testing program, revealed to the AP that they were kept in the dark about the Jamaican testing lapses that Shirley exposed in her August letter to The Gleaner.
• "There was a period of -- and forgive me if I don't have the number of months right -- but maybe five to six months during the beginning part of 2012 where there was no effective operation," WADA Director General David Howman said in an interview. "No testing. There might have been one or two, but there was no testing. So we were worried about it, obviously."

Today in History
The Associated Press

• Today is Monday, Oct. 14, the 287th day of 2013. There are 78 days left in the year. This is the Columbus Day observance in the United States, as well as Thanksgiving Day in Canada.

(Continued on page 31)

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