Sunday,  Oct. 13, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 90 • 4 of 37

Is it a fragrance or a stench?

• This past week I had to go to the mall. I know, I should know better but I thought I could sneak in, get what I

The Lighter Side
Rev. James L. Snyder

needed and sneak out again. So much for my thoughts.
• I wanted to purchase several tie chains for my neckties and searched every jewelry store and nobody had them. Finally, I ordered three online, which would be shipped free, (which always gets my attention) to the nearest store, which happened to be in the mall.
• I do not like the mall and choose not to go there if I can help it. When in the mall I am usually very nervous and get confused and do not know which way I am going. Once I get in, I am not quite sure how to get out again. Everything seems to be contrived to confuse a person like myself.
• Looking down at the ground while walking I became rather confused and I happen to turn into an open door.
• My mall savvy is not sophisticated in the lease. The door I turned into happened to be for the store Victoria's Secret. I do not know who Victoria is, I did not know what the store was all about but when I got in the store I discovered Victoria's Secret much to my great embarrassment.
• That is exactly the reason I do not like going into the malls. They have places like

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