Wednesday,  Oct. 9, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 86 • 6 of 44


The BR Neighbor CFEL club held their first Fall meeting September 19 at the home of Jeanette Dennert.  Eleven members were present. Topics of discussion were the June trip which went to McCrory Gardens and Schade' Winery. The State Convention held in Huron was highlighted. The Brown County Fair and the Cookie Booth were

reviewed as well as the Fall Council meeting and the Resource Fair. The next meeting will be at the home of Pat James on October 17 at 7:30pm.

Netters win

• Groton's volleyball team played an exciting match Tuesday night in Groton as the Leola-Titans came to town. Groton won the fifth game to pull out the match win.
• We'll have all of the details with photos in Thursday's GDI.

Claremont Recorder
By Beverly Patterson

• Not only have I really gotten in the mood to do some fall house cleaning, I have also been doing some fall brain cleaning.  I've been sorting through some memories, some good, some bad and I've decided that the only way I can possibly have room for new ones is if I let go of some of the ones from the past that are no longer doing me any good.  Here's one I'm keeping.  Years ago, before I learned how to drive my mom was giving me a ride to a friend's house.  It was about this time of year and the moon was just coming up.  It was huge and yellow and when I saw it I took a big gasping breath which sort of choked me up.  I spit out a "look at that moon!" before the coughing began and about that time it was hidden by trees and the old elevator and mom said, "I think you swallowed it!" Fall is my favorite season.  I love the crunchy leaves, the cooler temps, the smell of squash baking in the oven and of course, the big harvest moon!
• October 19th the Claremont Fire Department will once again hold their annual

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