Thursday,  Oct. 3, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 80 • 15 of 36

(Continued from page 14)

• "It's going to get hard," said Shar Simpson, who leads the Crow's home health care program. "We're already taking calls from people saying, 'Who's going to take care of my mom? Who's going to take care of my dad?'"
• Some tribes intend to fill the gap in federal funds themselves, risking deficits of their own to cushion communities

with chronic high unemployment and poverty against the effects of the budget battle.
• "Do we just throw kids onto the street, or do we help them? Most likely we're going to help those families and do whatever we can until this is unresolved," said Tracy "Ching" King, president of northern Montana's Fort Belknap Reservation.

(Continued on page 16)

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