Wednesday,  Oct. 2, 2013 • Vol. 15--No. 79B • 26 of 65

(Continued from page 25)

• Wednesday, October 16
• Bosses Day
• Dictionary Day

• PSAT Test (Grades 10 & 11)
School Breakfast: Cinnamon roll, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk.
School Lunch: Hamburger, baked beans, fresh fruit, tossed and canned fruit.
Senior Menu: Lemon baked fish, rice pilaf, California Blend Veggies, Peach Crisp, whole wheat bread.
Anniversary: John & Chris Wheeting
Birthday: Nancy Larsen
• 7:00am: United Methodist Men's Bible Study
• 12:00pm: Kiwanis meets at the Community Center
• 12:30pm: 6th Grade MathCounts at Warner
• 3:40pm: United Methodist Confirmation
• 3:45pm: St. John's Lutheran Confirmation
• 6:00pm: United Methodist WOW Service
• 7:00pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Confirmation
• 7:30pm: United Methodist Worship Team Rehearsal
• 8:00pm: United Methodist AD Council

• Thursday, October 17
• Wear Something Gaudy Day
School Breakfast: Pancake on stick, fruit, juice, milk.
School Lunch: Chicken noodle soup, grilled cheese, assorted relishes, fresh and canned fruit.
Senior Menu: Oven fried chicken, potato salad, carrots and broccoli medley, oatmeal muffin, watermelon.
Birthdays: Gladys Dirks • Judy Fliehs • Laura Ptacek • Dylan Krueger • Tyler Rossow
• 1:30pm: Emmanuel Lutheran WELCA Final day of packing stewardship projects
• 4:00pm: Region Cross Country at Webster
• 5:00pm: JH VB at Sisseton
• 6:30pm: Volleyball at Sisseton

(Continued on page 27)

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